Header image of a transmission tower

Frequency Containment Reserve

Settlement of the frequency containment reserve

Capacity remuneration

In the case of FCR, the remuneration for capacity provision is based on the awarded capacity multiplied by the marginal price of the FCR-cooperation. This corresponds to the highest awarded bid price in the cooperation area. This type of remuneration is called Pay-as-Clear or uniform pricing, since all providers receive the same price. For countries that reach their import or export limit, a local marginal price is determined, which may differ from the cooperation marginal price.

FCR performance price development and moving average


If a provider does not or does not fully meet their provision obligations, this can lead to a proportional reduction of their capacity remuneration for the affected bids. This is shown as a separate item in the settlement.

Energy remuneration

For FCR, the activation is already compensated with the capacity provision remuneration and is therefore not calculated separately.


If a provider does not or does not fully meet their delivery obligations, this can lead to a proportional reduction of their capacity remuneration.