Header image of a transmission tower

Where can I find what data?

Where can I find what data?

German transmission system operators (TSOs) publish a wide range of data to meet legal requirements and ensure the necessary market transparency. Due to the complexity of the energy market, balancing services data is published through various channels. In this section, the TSOs provide an overview of the most important publications in the context of balancing services. 

Simplified, there are two important categories of data for balancing service providers: offer data and activation data. Offer data is published in the Data center, and activation data is published onwww.netztransparenz.de. Additional publication platforms and detailed content information can be found below.

The publication platform overview:

Plattform für Regelreserve

Provider list:

Below you can download a list of all currently prequalified providers: Provider list

PQ-Capacities in Germany:

Below you can download an overview of the prequalified capacities for FCR, aFRR, and mFRR in Germany: PQ-Capacities in GER

Historical tender data

At the following link, you can find historical tender data for:

  • FCR tenders up to 30.06.2019
  • aFRR and mFRR tenders up to 11.07.2018
  • All SOL and SNL tenders (AbLaV).

Historical Tender Data

MOL deviations

Below you can download the MOL (Merit Order List) deviations for automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) and manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR). If a deviation from the Merit Order was necessary during retrieval, a corresponding overview will be made available for download.


50Hertz Transmission GmbH  

Amprion GmbH

TransnetBW GmbH

TenneT TSO GmbH


Abweichungen von der Merit Order

Datencenter auf der Plattform für Regelreserve

The publication of needs, anonymous offers (only up to the awarded amount), and tender results for countries that are part of the European cooperations takes place exclusively and daily in the data center.


On the  „Data on Balancing Energy“ page on Netztransparenz , you will find data points for NRV balance and the NRV balancing signal as well as the AEP data points related to the reBAP. Additionally, this section includes the AEP-estimator and data on data on balancing services. An explanation of the published data points can be found on the respective pages as well as in the explanatory document for the balancing energy publications.

ENTSO-E Transparenzplattform

On the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform under the "Balancing" section, European balancing services data is published. This includes quantities such as accepted and activated bids, price information, and cross-border balancing services. Additionally, you can find data resulting from the implementation frameworks confirmed by ACER.

Detailed information on all publications can be found under theManual of Procedures (MoP).

ENTSO-E provides a free, registration-required API access for automated data retrieval. An implementation guide for the API with many helpful examples is available at:

 https://transparency.entsoe.eu/content/static_content/Static content/web api/Guide.html

You can also access data in CSV format via SFTP through a user account.