Provider list:
Below you can download a list of all currently prequalified providers: Provider list
PQ-Capacities in Germany:
Below you can download an overview of the prequalified capacities for FCR, aFRR, and mFRR in Germany: PQ-Capacities in GER
Historical tender data
At the following link, you can find historical tender data for:
Historical Tender Data
MOL deviations
Below you can download the MOL (Merit Order List) deviations for automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) and manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR). If a deviation from the Merit Order was necessary during retrieval, a corresponding overview will be made available for download.
50Hertz Transmission GmbH
Amprion GmbH
TransnetBW GmbH
TenneT TSO GmbH
Abweichungen von der Merit Order