Header image of a transmission tower

FCR Cooperation

Participating countries of the FCR Cooperation

FCR Cooperation

The joint procurement was initially launched by the TSOs in Germany on 01.12.2007. Step by step, further TSOs have joined the cooperation on a voluntary basis, so that today the cooperation has grown to the largest joint market for procurement of FCR and covers more than 50% of the FCR demand of the ENTSO-E area. This corresponds to a procurement of over 1500 MW of FCR. The FCR Cooperation is committed to a harmonized FCR market where all stakeholders can participate in the market on equal terms. Through joint procurement, the FCR Cooperation ensures welfare gains within the boundaries of the cooperation.

The joint tendering is carried out using the existing tendering systems and is open to all prequalified suppliers. Prequalified suppliers in Germany can submit their bids via the Internet platform www.regelleistung.net.

The following table shows how the individual countries joined the FCR Cooperation:

CountryTSOJoining the FCR joint procurement
Deutschland50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT DE, TransnetBW01.12.2007Foundation of the FCR cooperation by the German TSOs
SchweizSwissgrid12.03.2012Procurement of part of the Swiss FCR requirements via the FCR Cooperation
NiederlandeTenneT NL07.01.2014
ÖsterreichAPG07.04.2015Coupling of the Austrian-Swiss FCR tender with the FCR cooperation.
Dänemark (West)Energinet19.01.2021
Tschechische RepublikCEPS01.03.2023

Characteristics of the joint tender

The valid specifications result in permissible FCR exports of a maximum of 30 % of the demand of the LFC block, but at least 100 MW. Core shares of at least 30 % of the demand per participating LFC block are taken into account.

In the event that a country's needs cannot be covered by the tender, the respective emergency plan of the country concerned will be used. If necessary, a second FCR tender will be carried out on regelleistung.net.

For more information Guideline on Transmission System Operation (SO GL) in Appendix IV.


For technical and/or regulatory reasons, it may be necessary to decouple the common market.
Decoupling takes place when technical problems occur or the allocation algorithm does not provide a consistent market result.

In the event of a decoupling of the markets, the respective tender will be clearly marked in the overview in the Datacenter.