Header image of a transmission tower

Frequency Containment Reserve_alt

Frequency Containment Reserve

The Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) covers small system imbalances. Providers of Frequency Containment Reserve offer services automatically as needed. Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) is activated to decrease the use of Frequency Containment Reserves.

Historical development of the Frequency Containment Reserve

DateDevelopment of the Frequency Containment Reserve
01.12.2007The German TSOs procure their requirements for frequency containment reserve via a joint invitation to tender on the Internet platform regelleistung.net. This platform is also used to publish the invitation to tender, process the submission of bids, and inform all bidders of awards and rejections.
27.06.2011Introduction of a weekly invitation to tender.
01.07.2019Introduction of a weekday D-2 tender with a product period of FCR of one day.
01.07.2020Introduction of a calendar day tender with a product period of the FCR of four hours.

Overview of current business rules:

Capacity MarketGate-Opening-Time: 11 o'clock, d-7

Gate-Closure-Time: 8 o'clock, d-1

Product length: 4 hours
Energy Market-
Core ShareCore shares and and cross border capacities are determined for the individual LFC blocks
Minimum offer capacity1 MW
PoolingPossible inside balancing area
Indivisible offerIndivisible offer possible
ActivationAutomatic activation
Activation periodFull activation within 30 seconds
BackupBackup not possible on regelleistung.net

The bidding takes place every calendar day.

Additional information

The introduction of the shared call for tenders for FCR has given connecting TSOs a key role to play. A connecting TSO is a TSO in the control area of which the technical units to be marketed by the supplier are connected to the grid, irrespective of the voltage level. The connecting TSO conducts thePrequalification procedure for these technical units (e.g. generating units or controllable consumer loads) in its control area and is the sole contracting party of the supplier. If a supplier offers technical units in several control areas, a framework agreement has to be concluded with each respective connecting TSO. A precondition for concluding such a framework agreement is a successful prequalification, whereby the prequalified capacity must at least equal the minimum offer capacity. The framework agreement is a precondition for taking part in a joint tender for FCR.

www.regelleistung.net is used to publish the calls for tenders, process the submission of offers and inform providers about their awarded or rejected bids.

The call for tenders for FCR is 'symmetrical', meaning there is no separate call for tenders for positive FCR (additional power) and negative FCR (less power).