Header image of a transmission tower


Legal notice


50Hertz Transmission GmbH
Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin
Email adress: info@50hertz.com

Authorized representative:
Stefan Kapferer (chairman), Marco Nix, Dr. Dirk Biermann, Sylvia Borcherding

Commercial register number:
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 84446

Value added tax identification number:
DE 813473551

Amprion GmbH
Von-Werth-Straße 274
50259 Pulheim
Email adress: presse@amprion.net

Supervisory Board: Uwe Tigges (chairman)
Management: Dr. Christoph Müller (chairman), Dr. Hendrik Neumann, Peter Rüth

Commercial register number:
Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 15940

Value added tax identification number:
DE 813761356

TenneT TSO GmbH
Bernecker Straße 70
95448 Bayreuth
Email adress: info@tennet.eu

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Manon van Beek

Tim Meyerjürgens (chairman), Dr. Arina Freitag

Commercial register number:
Amtsgericht Bayreuth, HRB 4923

Value added tax identification number:
DE 815073514

TransnetBW GmbH
Pariser Platz
Osloer Str. 15-17
70173 Stuttgart
Email adress: info@transnetbw.de

Authorized representative:
Dr. Werner Götz (chairman), Dr. Rainer Pflaum, Michael Jesberger

Commercial register number:
Registergericht Stuttgart, HRB Nr. 740510

Value added tax identification number:
DE 191008872

Disclaimer of Liability

No warranty for contents

The information provided on this website was carefully researched and checked by the German transmission system operators (TSOs) or third parties acting on behalf of the TSOs. However, neither the TSOs nor any third party guarantee that the information provided is correct, complete and up to date and they accept no liability whatsoever in this regard. This disclaimer of liability extends to websites linked directly or indirectly to the present website and the German TSOs accept no responsibility whatsoever with regard to the contents of such directly or indirectly linked websites. The German TSOs reserve the right to amend the information provided or to make additions or modifications to it in any other way, without giving prior notice.The German TSOs do not accept any liability for direct and indirect damages (including but not limited to lost profit) arising from the use of or arising due to information provided on this website and on any other TSO websites.

No advice

The information provided on this website does not constitute advice relating to the specific circumstances of an individual party and cannot replace such individual advice. The TSOs are available to discuss economic and technical issues on an individual basis.

Use of this website

Contents and design of this website are protected by copyright. Reproduction of the website or parts thereof including but not limited to the contents of individual pages requires prior written permission from the German TSOs unless reproduction is authorised by law.